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PR0344A1 · Customized Benches · W450xL1500 mm

Seating on concrete

W450xL1500 mm

IDEA is your partner in designing gardens and outdoor areas that radiate beauty. Our solution is both simple and cost-effective: strategically placed concrete seating that not only acts as a focal point but also serves as an inviting entertainment area. You'll spot these benches throughout the city, especially in parks, creating welcoming spaces for relaxation and socializing. What sets our benches apart is their flexibility; they can be customized into various shapes and sizes to suit your vision. Crafted with precision, we employ impregnated and glue-laminated wood, coated with water-based paint and certified by the rigorous "EN 71-3 Safety for Toys" standard. This ensures the utmost durability and longevity, even in the harshest outdoor weather conditions.

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Seating on concrete · Customized Benches - IDEA.AZ Seating on concrete · Customized Benches - IDEA.AZ Seating on concrete · Customized Benches - IDEA.AZ Seating on concrete · Customized Benches - IDEA.AZ Seating on concrete · Customized Benches - IDEA.AZ Seating on concrete · Customized Benches - IDEA.AZ Seating on concrete · Customized Benches - IDEA.AZ

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